Avisi Blog

Join our breakfast, meet our experts!

Geschreven door Avisi | 06 June 2012

Last april we held our very first breakfast meetup. It was a thorough introduction to Atlassian, Jira and Confluence during a tasty breakfast. Attendees were enthusiastic, apparently learned something and we all had a very interesting discussion afterwards.

So we decided to repeat the experience!

If you attend the next meetup, you'll get details about where Avisi was before Atlassian, what we were looking for then and why we eventually choose Atlassian products.

For now, let's just say productivity was one of the major factors, but there is more to it than that... Also we'll introduce Confluence and Jira, the two main Atlassian products.

Working smarter with Confluence

At Avisi, we love Confluence. We use it intensively on a daily basis and it really helps us be more productive. But what is Confluence exactly and what can you do with it? To find out, you'll have to join the next breakfast session.

A better overview with Jira

Jira is Atlassian's flagship product. Any product team that needs to ship something can profit from using Jira. If you want to know why... You guest it! You'll have to join the next breakfast session.

Meet the experts

We're Atlassian experts with 7 years of experience, gathered by working on a great variety of projects for clients and by being avid every day users ourselves. Come meet us and discover how your organisation could benefit from Atlassian software.

Come have breakfast with our Atlassian Experts on June the 14th and see for yourself!